Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Tools to Manage Your Child’s Challenging Behaviors

Tools to Manage Your Child’s Challenging Behaviors by Kristen Henderson, M.S., OTR/L Kids Place West Pediatric Occupational Therapist Children misbehaving or testing the limits is a normal part of childhood development.  Most challenging behaviors emerge between the ages of 3—6 when the child is developing a sense of autonomy. However, these behaviors can reach a…

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Physical Therapy

How Yoga Challenged This Crossfitter with Unrealized Benefits

How Yoga Challenged This Crossfitter with Unrealized Benefits By Brooke Smith, DPT, FAAOMPT, CERT DN, CCI AZOPT Goodyear Clinic Manager As an avid Crossfitter, I enjoy a challenging workout with immediate results. So, I was skeptical when I was invited to participate in my first yoga class. Would it be difficult enough? Would I even…

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Physical Therapy

Increasing Strength Through Blood Flow Restriction

Increasing Strength Through the Use of Blood Flow Restriction By Matt Flanigan, DPT, Cert BFR AZOPT Goodyear Doctor of Physical Therapy What is Blood Flow Restriction? In a rehabilitation or exercise setting, blood flow restriction (BFR) can be very useful to improve strength and increase muscle mass. Essentially, we use a specialized blood pressure cuff…

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