Pediatric Feeding TherapyPediatric Speech Therapy

How a Tongue Tie Can Affect Your Child

Did you know that a tongue tie can impact your child’s ability to eat, speak, and even sleep? According to the International Affiliation of Tongue-Tie Professionals (IATP), a tongue tie is “an embryological remnant of tissue in the midline between the undersurface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth that restricts normal tongue…

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Pediatric Feeding Therapy feeding therapy

A Guide to Understanding Pediatric Feeding Therapy

What is Pediatric Feeding Therapy? Pediatric feeding therapy is designed to help children who have difficulties with feeding, eating, or swallowing. Feeding challenges can arise from a variety of issues, including medical conditions like gastroesophageal reflux, developmental disorders like autism or cerebral palsy, sensory processing difficulties, or behavioral issues. Pediatric feeding therapists, often speech-language pathologists…

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Pediatric Feeding TherapyPediatric Physical Therapy effects of sugar

The Effects of Sugar on the Growing Human Body

The Effects of Sugar on the Growing Human Body Did you know that the daily maximum amount of added sugar that the American Heart Association recommends for children ages 2 to 18 years old is 6 teaspoons or 25 grams? That is equivalent to 1 mini can of coke (7.5 ounces), 3 regular-sized Reese’s Peanut…

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Pediatric Occupational TherapyKids Place NewsPediatric Feeding Therapy overstuffed mouth

How to Prevent an Overstuffed Mouth in Your Child

It’s dinner time. You’re all eating around the table, and suddenly your child’s plate is almost empty! But alas… all of the food is still in their mouth, stuffed to the brim. How do you prevent an overstuffed mouth in your child? Read on to find out! What is Overstuffing?  Overstuffing is when your child…

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Pediatric Speech TherapyKids Place NewsPediatric Feeding TherapyPediatric Occupational TherapyPediatric Physical Therapy supporting healthy media use

Supporting Healthy Media Use For Children

What is a Healthy Amount of Media Use for Your Child? Media, including TV, computers, smartphones, tablets and video games, can affect how your children learn, feel, think, and behave. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages you to help your children develop healthy media use habits. “Nudges” to consider that help with healthy media…

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Pediatric Feeding Therapy

Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Pediatric Feeding Disorders by Jacque Kujath, M.S. CCC-SLP Kids Place Central Speech Language Pathologist Our amazing team of speech-language pathologists are qualified to treat a variety of speech and language deficits including expressive and receptive language delays, articulation skills, and phonological skills. Did you know they are also qualified to evaluate and treat pediatric feeding…

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