Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Tips and Tricks for Shoe Tying

Tips and Tricks for Teaching Kids How to Tie Their Shoes Learning how to tie shoes is a key developmental milestone for children and an essential life skill. While Velcro shoes are widely available, mastering shoe tying remains important for overall fine motor development and independence. Occupational therapists often incorporate shoe tying into therapy sessions…

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Pediatric Feeding Therapy

Nutrition Basics for Your Infant and Toddler: How Much and How Often?

Nutrition Basics for Infants and Toddlers Many parents are concerned about their child’s nutrition and are unsure how much of each food their child should receive daily. Here are some tips to help ensure your child is getting the right amount of nutrition needed for adequate weight gain and brain development. Infant Nutrition (0-12 Months)…

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Physical Therapy imaging

Should I Get Imaging Before Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy Does Not Require Imaging in Arizona If you are postponing physical therapy because you are waiting on imaging – don’t! Imaging is typically not required before starting physical therapy. A licensed physical therapist (PT) is an expert in the biomechanics of your body and skilled at evaluating symptoms to determine when further imaging…

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Kids Place News

Developing Gross Motor Skills Outside of Therapy in Arizona

Inclusive & Adaptive Sports Opportunities for Kids in the Valley Participating in organized sports and activities is an excellent way for children to develop gross motor skills while staying active outside of Kids Place. Sports provide a variety of benefits, including improved strength, balance, coordination, cardiovascular fitness, confidence, and social skills, helping kids build friendships…

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Pediatric Feeding TherapyPediatric Speech Therapy

How a Tongue Tie Can Affect Your Child

Did you know that a tongue tie can impact your child’s ability to eat, speak, and even sleep? According to the International Affiliation of Tongue-Tie Professionals (IATP), a tongue tie is “an embryological remnant of tissue in the midline between the undersurface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth that restricts normal tongue…

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Pediatric Occupational Therapy retained reflexes

Everything You Need to Know About Retained Reflexes

Everything You Need to Know About Retained Reflexes How Retained Reflexes Affect Learning and Development Primitive reflexes are controlled by the central nervous system and start developing in the womb. Reflexes play a key role in survival for infants, but they begin to disappear as your child begins mastering more complex motor skills. When these…

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