Jeanette is Pediatric Physical Therapis. Jeanette received her Doctor of Physical Therapy and Bachelors of Health Science from Drexel University in Philadelphia. She is a member of the APTA and the pediatrics section. In her free time, Jeanette enjoys many outdoor activities including running, biking, hiking, yoga, and water sports. Her favorite sports teams are the Carolina Panthers, Philadelphia Phillies, and the UNC Tarheels.”
3 Simple Home Exercises to Help Your Baby Walk By Jeanette Cartafalsa, DPT Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist Are you concerned that your baby is not walking? According to the CDC, most babies should be taking a few steps on their own by 15 months old. The most common reasons we see for your…
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Student Therapists at Kids Place by Jeanette Mangano, DPT, PCS Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist At Kids Place, we are active within the educational communities for therapist’s education. We seek to assist speech language pathology, occupational therapy, and physical therapy students with advancing their education and completing clinical rotations in order to obtain their…
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My Child is Walking! Now What? by Jeanette Mangano, PT, DPT, PCS Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist Your new baby begins to walk for the first time! How exciting! Walking is a very important motor milestone for many families. But after your child begins to walk – now what? Often, we are asked what…
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Balance Games for the Home by Jeanette Mangano, PT, DPT, PCS Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist Balance is an important aspect in our ability to navigate environments safely and effectively. Balance training is something that we need to practice throughout our lives. Here are some fun ways that your kids and you can practice…
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What is Typical Leg Alignment in Early Childhood? by Jeanette Mangano, DPT Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist Your child will go through many significant changes in the structure and alignment of their legs throughout their development. Alignment is an important contributing factor to your child standing and walking. Often, parents will ask me if…
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Outpatient Occupational Therapy vs. School-Based Occupational Therapy By Jeanette Mangano, DPT Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist As children are preparing for the start of a new school year, parents often ask about the difference between school-based occupational therapy and Kids Place, an outpatient occupational therapy clinic. The answer can be somewhat confusing. The Role…
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The Importance of Playground Play by Jeanette Mangano, DPT Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist The playground is an exciting place for most children that is crucial to the development of social, fine motor, and gross motor skills. In addition to promoting an active lifestyle, children will also learn and develop many skills needed to…
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