Since 2008, Kids Place West has provided pediatric therapy in physical, occupational, speech, and feeding therapy to West Valley children. In 2015, we opened Kids Place Central to provide these services to more Phoenix-area children. In 2018, Kids Place Central moved to our current location in Encanto Park. Kids Place Prescott began in 2020 with pediatric physical therapy and has expanded to include all services to the Quad City area. Most recently, Kids Place East in Gilbert opened to provide all services in the East Valley.
Newborn Tummy Time As a new mother to a beautiful baby boy born January 9, 2018, I understand the difficulties parents have incorporating tummy time at the home. If you have not already heard by now, tummy time is very important for your child’s development, even a newborn. Here are some tips and tricks that…
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What’s That Sound? by Kacie Bartlett, CCC-SLP Kids Place Pediatric Speech Therapist In the world of speech, sounds made verbally are classified using a system called the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). This is a written alphabet that represents sounds using symbols (just like the A, B, C’S). For example, let’s look at the word “that.”…
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Tips and Tricks for Learning how to Ride a Bike By Nicole Campbell, PT, DPT and Megan Schwengler, Student Physical Therapist Teaching your child to ride a bike is very exciting but very challenging. Each child learns differently. Often we are asked, “When is a good time to start?” Or what is the best way…
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Encouraging Early Developing Social Language Skills Kids Place Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist “Pragmatic language” refers to how we interact with others in a socially appropriate manner. It not only includes what we say but also nonverbal cues, such as the tone of voice we use, facial expressions and body language. Social language skills begin developing…
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Pool Play for Active Movement By Bobbi Michels, PT, DPT Kids Place West Pediatric Physical Therapist Active movement in water, also known as aquatic therapy, is used to reduce pain, improve joint range of motion, provide cardiovascular conditioning, improve strength, and assist balance skills. As an added benefit, water provides support for low impact exercises…
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Tips for Successful Potty Training by Bailey Boss, Occupational Therapy Student Potty training is a major milestone for kids and parents alike. Just like other daily skills, children with and without disabilities need to practice to learn how to properly engage in toileting. Independence in toileting requires that the child be able to get on…
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Taekwondo’s Positive Impact on Child Development by Jessica Raykovich, SPT Student Physical Therapist Taekwondo is a form of martial arts that has been around for hundreds of years. It stands for Tae=foot/leg, Kwon=fist/fight, and Do=way or discipline. It incorporates various forms of kicking, punching, and blocking all while teaching discipline and respect. So should it…
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Reading Books to Children with Language Delays By Pam Cooper, CCC-SLP Kids Place West Speech and Feeding Therapist A language delay is the slow or late acquisition of language abilities in comparison to their same-aged peers. Children with language delays often lack exposure to vocabulary and environments that allow for learning and understanding. Reading books…
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Self Care Skills and Child Development by Egle Majute, Student Occupational Therapist The role of an Occupational Therapist is to support children of any age in participation of their daily occupations. One of those occupations is self-care skills. Self-care skills are everyday tasks such as toileting, bathing, grooming, and dressing, commonly referred to as activities of…
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AZOPT Kids Place pediatric occupational therapist, Sarah, and student, Egle define self care skills and how pediatric occupational therapy intervenes to positively impact children with developmental delays. For more information, please visit: A Guide to Understanding Pediatric Occupational Therapy Self Care Skills and Child Development
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