Since 2008, Kids Place West has provided pediatric therapy in physical, occupational, speech, and feeding therapy to West Valley children. In 2015, we opened Kids Place Central to provide these services to more Phoenix-area children. In 2018, Kids Place Central moved to our current location in Encanto Park. Kids Place Prescott began in 2020 with pediatric physical therapy and has expanded to include all services to the Quad City area. Most recently, Kids Place East in Gilbert opened to provide all services in the East Valley.
Pediatric Speech Therapy Preschool stuttering

Using Indirect Treatment to Overcome Preschool Stuttering

Using Indirect Treatment to Overcome Preschool Stuttering Indirect treatment is an approach that focuses on teaching the family strategies to enhance fluency through environmental modifications. It involves making changes in the environment rather than making any changes in the child’s speech. The message is always that stuttering is okay. Here are some suggestions on how…

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Pediatric Physical Therapy raising active kids

Raising Active Kids: Encouraging Physical Activity at Home and Beyond

Raising Active Kids: Encouraging Physical Activity at Home and Beyond Look around your house and find your kids. What are they doing right now? Are they watching TV, playing on an iPad, playing with toys, or are they running around? Clinical guidelines for general activity from the CDC state that children should get 60 mins…

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Pediatric Speech Therapy pediatric speech therapy

A Guide to Understanding Pediatric Speech Therapy

What is Pediatric Speech Therapy? Pediatric speech therapy focuses on evaluating and treating children with communication challenges, including speech, language, social communication, and feeding/swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work with children from infancy through adolescence, addressing issues such as delayed speech, articulation disorders, stuttering, voice disorders, and difficulties with understanding or using language. Additionally, SLPs…

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Pediatric Occupational Therapy gift guide for kids

A Holiday Gift Guide for Kids by Pediatric Occupational Therapists

A Holiday Gift Guide for Kids by Pediatric Occupational Therapists It’s that time of year! Here are some holiday gift recommendations for your children by the Occupational Therapists here at Kids Place: *All recommendations can be found on Amazon or at Target and Walmart* Toys: We can use toys to develop fine motor skills, hand…

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Pediatric Occupational Therapy types of play

5 Important Types of Play for Developing Children

5 Important Types of Play for Developing Children Throughout development, children will participate in a variety of occupations like dressing, feeding, toileting, sleeping, and even watching television. One of the most important occupations that typically takes up the most of children’s time is likely play. Play offers physical and mental stimulation, not to mention it’s a lot…

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Pediatric Occupational Therapy Sleep Tips for Children

The Sleepytime Struggle: 5 Sleep Tips for Children

  The Sleepytime Struggle: 5 Sleep Tips for Children Sleep is a vital part of a child’s life to promote growth and development. Optimal sleep impacts a child’s readiness to participate in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Oftentimes, a child will have difficulty with the skills of going to bed and getting enough sleep, resulting…

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