AzOPT’s physical therapists are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who help our patients reduce pain, improve mobility and restore function. When health problems make it hard to move around and do everyday tasks, we help you move better and relieve pain. Our goal is to prevent expensive surgery and reduce the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects. We can also help improve or restore your physical function and your fitness level.
Static Lower Body Stretches Description of stretches Half kneeling hip flexor stretch Begin by placing one knee on a soft surface or a pad with your opposite foot positioned forward on the floor Lunge your weight forward until a mild/moderate stretch is felt on the hip that is down on the mat Hold for 20…
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Why Do Our Joints Pop, Click, Crack and Make Noise? By JD Fields, DPT, Cert DN AZOPT Glendale Clinic Manager and Physical Therapist Have you ever noticed your joint popping, clicking, cracking, or making some other type of noise? I commonly hear this symptom described in my physical therapy evaluations. Naturally, it is very concerning…
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Sitting Ourselves to Death by Trent Brooke PT, DPT AZOPT Goodyear Physical Therapist Throughout history, people found themselves standing, walking, and generally being on their feet more often than not. However, in 2017, sitting has become the position people find themselves in more often and for longer throughout the day. We sit when we drive,…
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AZOPT’s Patient of the Month Mike had been training for months to prepare for a triathlon with his family. One day, after a vigorous ramp up to his training, he experienced significant pain in his right knee. Overuse injuries are common in athletes from the increased stress being placed on their body. Mike was in need…
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What is Frozen Shoulder? Like back pain, shoulder pain can be caused by many things — stress, exercise (or the lack thereof), working in the same position for a long period of time. But if you have chronic shoulder pain and stiffness, as well as limited movement in your shoulder joint, especially over a longer…
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Beginning and Following Through With Better Fitness By AZOPT Physical Therapists It’s no surprise the most popular New Year’s Resolution is to get in better shape. It’s also no surprise that this resolution ends in failure more times than success. But how can you succeed with this resolution? What are the keys to getting started,…
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Injury Prevention in Youth Athletics Youth sports are a great way to help keep kids active, learn the value of teamwork, and make new friends. It can be rewarding for both the athlete and family members. However, the increasingly competitive nature of sports these days has them starting at a younger age and training harder…
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Using Manual Therapy and Exercise to Achieve Results By JD Fields, DPT AZOPT Goodyear Physical Therapist As physical therapists, we utilize an individualized mixture of manual therapy and exercise to treat and get you moving better. Throughout the day, I am often asked why I may perform a certain technique or why the patient has…
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Physical Therapy Treatment of Headaches by JD Fields, DPT AZOPT Goodyear Physical Therapist Most of us have experienced a headache at some point in our lives. We also know a person who suffers from chronic headaches that affect many aspects of their day. This is a very common condition that can be present for numerous…
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There are two main types of stretching: static and dynamic. Static stretching is the type of stretching most people are familiar with. It typically consists of getting into a position until you feel a stretch on a specific muscle or muscle group, then holding that position for a given period of time. Dynamic stretching involves…
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