Brooke is the Clinical Director of AzOPT. Brooke received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Franklin Pierce University in Goodyear, Arizona and her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Washington State University. She is a member of the APTA and enjoys all kinds of sports including tennis, basketball, and badminton. Brooke is originally from Kennewick, Washington and is a fan of the Seattle Seahawks and Washington State University.
Physical Therapy imaging

Should I Get Imaging Before Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy Does Not Require Imaging in Arizona If you are postponing physical therapy because you are waiting on imaging – don’t! Imaging is typically not required before starting physical therapy. A licensed physical therapist (PT) is an expert in the biomechanics of your body and skilled at evaluating symptoms to determine when further imaging…

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Physical Therapy knee pain

7 Stretches and Exercises to Reduce Knee Pain

7 Stretches and Exercises to Reduce Knee Pain Have you ever experienced knee pain?  There are many different causes of knee pain – fractures, overuse injuries, arthritis, imbalances, instability, and more. The knee is a complex body part that works with muscles surrounding the knee in conjunction with the joints above and below the knee…

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Physical Therapy A young man showing you an exercise on how stabilizing your core

The Importance of Stabilizing Your Core

The Importance of Stabilizing Your Core By Brooke Smith, DPT, PT AzOPT Goodyear Clinic Manager You have some pain and your doctor tells you to strengthen or stabilize your core. What does strengthening your core even mean? Where do you start with strengthening/stabilizing your core? And how can you strengthen your core without causing more…

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Physical Therapy should you do physical therapy

4 Common Misperceptions About Physical Therapy

Common Misperceptions About Physical Therapy By: Brooke Smith, DPT AzOPT Goodyear Clinic Manager Should you do physical therapy? There are many common misperceptions about what physical therapy entails.  Let’s discuss a few common misperceptions and explain how physical therapy can help you get back to the activities you love, without pain! Myth #1: Physical therapy…

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Physical Therapy

How Yoga Challenged This Crossfitter with Unrealized Benefits

How Yoga Challenged This Crossfitter with Unrealized Benefits By Brooke Smith, DPT, FAAOMPT, CERT DN, CCI AZOPT Goodyear Clinic Manager As an avid Crossfitter, I enjoy a challenging workout with immediate results. So, I was skeptical when I was invited to participate in my first yoga class. Would it be difficult enough? Would I even…

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