Pediatric speech and language therapy help children improve so much more than just saying their sounds correctly! We also help children improve their language skills.  Language is broken up into three subsets:



Also known as understanding. For example: the ability to follow directions, answer questions and identify objects.



The output of the language we use to communicate; expressing, requesting, and commenting either by sign, words, or a device!



Teaching children to understand the social aspect of language including facial expression, body language, sarcasm, and peer interaction.

Our pediatric trained speech and language pathologists work with children through fun activities to improve their speech, their ability to follow directions, their ability to communicate verbally and nonverbally, and their social communication skills.  We use a family-centered, goal-oriented plan to help children become effective communicators.

Our highly trained speech pathologists evaluate and treat children with a variety of diagnoses that may include:

  • Autism related disorders

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech

  • Developmental disabilities

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Articulation/Phonological Disorders

  • Pragmatic Language Disorders (Social Language)

  • Down Syndrome and other genetic diagnoses

  • Dysfluencies (Stuttering)

  • Oral-motor weaknesses/delays

  • Receptive/Expressive Language Delays

  • Hearing Impairment

  • Cerebral Palsy and other neurological diagnoses

  • Voice Disorders

Guide to Understanding Pediatric Speech Therapy